Apache FastCGI Module Installation

See the INSTALL.AP2 document for information on how to build mod_fastcgi for the Apache 2.X series.


See CONFIG for configuration information.

This module supports Apache 1.3+. If your server is 1.2 based, either upgrade or use mod_fastcgi v2.0.18.

mod_fastcgi has not been tested on all of the Apache supported platforms. These are known to work: SunOS, Solaris, SCO, Linux, NetBSD (see http://www.netbsd.org/packages/www/ap-fastcgi/), FreeBSD, Digital Unix, AIX, IRIX, FreeBSD, Windows (NT4 and NT2K), MacOSX (10.1.4), and QNX (Inet sockets only).

This module is maintained at https://fastcgi-archives.github.io/.

See the web page for mailing list information.


There are three approaches to configure, compile, and install Apache.

If you have a binary Apache distribution, such as Red Hat’s Secure Server (or prefer a DSO based Apache), you have to build mod_fastcgi as a Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) - see Section 3.

If your on Windows NT, see Section 4.

Installing mod_fastcgi with APACI

  1. Copy or move the mod_fastcgi distribution directory to /src/modules/fastcgi.
  2. Specify “–activate-module=src/modules/fastcgi/libfastcgi.a” as an argument to ./configure from the directory. If you've previously used APACI to configure Apache, you can also specify this as an argument to ./config.status (Apache 1.3.1+) in order to preserve the existing configuration.

    <apache_dir>$ ./configure  \


    <apache_dir>$ ./config.status  \
  3. Rebuild and reinstall Apache.

    <apache_dir>$ make
    <apache_dir>$ make install
  4. Edit the httpd configuration files to enable your FastCGI application(s). See docs/mod_fastcgi.html for details.

  5. Stop and start the server.

    <apache_dir>$ /usr/local/apache/sbin/apachectl stop
    <apache_dir>$ /usr/local/apache/sbin/apachectl start

Installing mod_fastcgi manually

  1. Copy or move the mod_fastcgi distribution directory to /src/modules/fastcgi.
  2. Add the FastCGI module to /src/Configuration. Note that modules are listed in reverse priority order --- the ones that come later can override the behavior of those that come earlier. I put mine just after the mod_cgi entry.

       AddModule modules/fastcgi/libfastcgi.a
  3. From the /src directory, reconfigure and rebuild Apache.

    <apache_dir>/src$ ./configure
    <apache_dir>/src$ make

    Install the new httpd.

  4. Edit the httpd configuration files to enable your FastCGI application(s). See docs/mod_fastcgi.html for details.

  5. Stop and start the server.

    $ kill -TERM `cat <run_dir>/logs/httpd.pid`
    $ <run_dir>/bin/httpd -f <run_dir>/conf/httpd.conf

Installing mod_fastcgi as a DSO

NOTE: If you use FastCgiSuexec, mod_fastcgi cannot reliably determine the suexec path when built as a DSO. To workaround this, provide the full path in the FastCgiSuexec directive.

  1. From the mod_fastcgi directory, compile the module.

    $ cd <mod_fastcgi_dir>
    <mod_fastcgi_dir>$ apxs -o mod_fastcgi.so -c *.c
  2. Install the module.

    <mod_fastcgi_dir>$ apxs -i -a -n fastcgi mod_fastcgi.so

    This should create an entry in httpd.conf that looks like this:

       LoadModule fastcgi_module  <some_path>/mod_fastcgi.so

    Note that if there’s a ClearModuleList directive after new entry, you’ll have to either move the LoadModule after the ClearModuleList or add (have a look at how the other modules are handled):

       AddModule mod_fastcgi.c
  3. Edit the httpd configuration file(s) to enable your FastCGI application(s). See docs/mod_fastcgi.html for details.

    If you want to wrap the mod_fastcgi directives, use:

       <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
  4. Stop and start the server.

    $ <run_dir>/bin/apachectl stop
    $ <run_dir>/bin/apachectl start

Windows NT

To build mod_fastcgi from the command line:

  1. Edit the APACHE_SRC_DIR variable in Makefile.nt.

  2. Build the module

> nmake -f Makefile.nt CFG=[debug | release]

To build mod_fastcgi as a project you’ll need M$ VC++ 6.0:

  1. Open the mod_fastcgi project file with the VC++.

  2. Edit the Project for your configuration.

  3. Select Project->Settings or press <ALT+F7>.

  4. Select “All Configurations” from “Settings For” drop-down menu.

  5. Select the “C/C++” tab.

  6. Select “Preprocessor” from the “Category” drop-down menu.

  7. Edit the path in “Additional include directories” to include your Apache source header files (e.g. C:\apache_1.3.12\src\include).

  8. Select the “Link” tab.

  9. Select “General” from the “Category” drop-down menu.

  10. Select “Win32 Release” from “Settings For” drop-down menu.

  11. Edit the path in “Object/library modules” to include your Apache Release library (e.g. C:\apache_1.3.12\src\CoreR\ApacheCore.lib).

  12. Select “Win32 Debug” from “Settings For” drop-down menu.

  13. Edit the path in “Object/library modules” to include your Apache Debug library (e.g. C:\apache_1.3.12\src\CoreD\ApacheCore.lib).

  14. Select OK.

  15. Select “Set Active Configuration” from the “Build” menu and choose either a release or debug build.

  16. Select “Build mod_fastcgi.dll” from the “Build” menu.

To install mod_fastcgi (built above or retrieved from


  1. Copy the mod_fastcgi.dll to the Apache modules directory (e.g. C:\Apache\modules)

  2. Edit the httpd configurion file (e.g. C:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf) and add a line like:

        LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.dll

    Note that if there’s a ClearModuleList directive after new entry, you’ll have to either move the LoadModule after the ClearModuleList or add (have a look at how the other modules are handled):

        AddModule mod_fastcgi.c
  3. Edit the httpd configuration file(s) to enable your FastCGI application(s). See docs/mod_fastcgi.html for details.